#Arewatwitter car posers vs us: the immorality of this ostentatious wealth display, and our righteous anger explained:


Some have expressed confusion at the angry reactions our rich arewa siblings have received for posing with pictures of expensive cars on Eid.
Well, apart from the deeply unsettling tone deafness inherent in that kind of behaviour, there are materially justifiable reasons why people are angry, and I hope this thread will cause these car posers some discomfort as they reflect on their actions.

There's a reason most of the anger is channeled at those showing off their Bugattis, phantoms, Aston Martins and Ferraris.
Understand this: Many of those cars cost ₦100,000,000+.

To understand the reason for the venting, there are a couple of facts to bear in mind:
1. At 50% of the population, Nigeria has the highest rate of people living in extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is defined as living on less that ₦740 per day.

2. 87% of Nigeria's poor live in the North. In perspective, that's ~87 million people.
3. Over 90% of Nigeria's export revenue comes from oil ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_industry_in_Nigeria?wprov=sfla1)

Sisters and brothers, now, these are just facts, but let's see if we can develop a hypothesis for the source of the wealth of our car posers from these facts. Now, we obviously

know from facts 1 and 2 that on its own, Northern Nigeria is not generating the kind of wealth that allows for the ostentatious display of riches that our Eid car posers are engaged in. This begs the question, doesn't it?

From fact 3, we also know that practically all of Nigeria's Forex wealth (basically the type of wealth that can allow you to import those kinds of cars) comes from the South-South. So, without even doing much digging, we can begin to make some guesses about how our #Arewatwitter
Bear in mind that these resources shouldn't even be owned by private citizens, North/South. They should be owned and controlled by the communities where they exist. But never mind the senseless ramblings of this mad socialist, you can still entertain a simple question:
How is it that so many northerners came to own so many oil wells in the South? I don't know if I'm already painting a picture of theft, subjugation and oppression here, but that's the goal, anyway.

My dear sisters and brothers. The agitating communities in the
Niger-Delta are agitating because they are impoverished. They are impoverished because they have no say in how their resources are used, and I'm guessing here, wildly I should add, that these resources have, in one way or another, been appropriated by the relatives and
acquaintances of many of the people we see displaying ₦100,000,000 Phantoms. It seems too coincidental that people in those Southern lands die of environmental degradation, poisoning of their food sources and lack of medical facilities, whereas we see an impressive number of
people in the North, with unexplained wealth, bragging about their Bugattis and whatnots!

Maybe this isn't a coincidence at all!

Sisters and brothers, maybe people are angry because they know that there is a direct correlation between their own impoverishment and the
opulence that is being displayed by our #Arewatwitter car posers. Every Bugatti displayed, is a community hospital that isn't built, is a school that isn't built, is thousands of dead fishes due to oil spillages.
Maybe people are not angry because of Eid pictures with cars in them. Maybe they are angry because that brazen display of opulence is a dare that says

"we have been unjust to you and there's nothing you can do about it".
Finally, I want to be very very very clear about something before I'm taken out of context.
The goal of this thread is to make a crude sketch of how the contradiction of so much wealth and so much poverty can coexist in the North, as a response to #Arewatwitter car posers.
This thread is not aimed at creating a false divide between the North and the South. In reality, the craze that characterises the northern elite is very much present in equal proportions among the southern elite.
I speak as much for those 87 million people living in extreme poverty in northern Nigeria as I do for the 15 million people living in extreme poverty in southern Nigeria.

Our enemies are the elites, not each other.

Dis no be ethnic war my peepu, dis na class war!
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