most of my cringeworthy tweets are still on here and i'm not going to delete them because they date all the way back to 2017; starting fresh would just feel wrong for me, despite the fact that some of my tweets were not so nice, and mostly about two certain people (flo & eddie)
i was 15 when i came on here (i joined 6 months before my bday). now being an 18 year old it feels weird. same with my now abandoned deviantart (which i actually used when i was 12, but i re-joined in 2017 and left in late 2019)
i hate looking back at my tweets especially april 2017 - april 2019 because i was just so god awful. plus i had dated two people during those times who turned out to be complete assholes, so seeing their names in my old tweets makes my gut tingle
this whole tweet applies to my other platforms, instagram and facebook. i prefer not looking back at most of my old stuff (which dates back to jan 2018) because during that time i was badly harassed by multiple people in a certain fandom and it still bothers me. oh well
alright that's enough for this thread. just wanted to speak my mind for a bit
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