At 18/19 I was depressed, dropped out of uni twice and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.
I’m now 26 working as the executive private chef of an ambassador, cashing in 5 figures with multiple streams of income on top of that. Don’t listen to this bullshit.
And the reason I felt like nothing is because I believed it was too late. Whatever the fuck that even means. Block it out and just start over, wherever you are. Botshelo ke video game.
You can plan and plan, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. You can’t hold onto plans like a life raft, they can and will disappoint you. Just promise yourself that you will be resilient and always get the fuck out of your own way when it’s time to.
It’s good to take advice from people at the top, but dont be naive pls. Even your favs. What worked for them won’t always work for you. Keep learning, take what you need from a plethora of people from different industries and facets of life and build your own story accordingly
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