
Late Night Studies: 📝🖥️
PLSI150 “Public Policy”
Assignment: Write a Memo
Topic Chosen: Public Health Concerns
The top things I learned from completing this assignment:

*How to create a Policy Memo
*How to choose criteria
*How to set a public agenda
*How to place my solutions through a policy model in an attempt to change the law.

Oh, if only I wanted to be a Lawmaker, someday.👩🏾‍💼
One thing I want to point out before going any further.
Concerning my topic:

Even though Californa is free from most taxes on food. Not all states are.

I decide not to address my Memo to any person since I'd send it to any Lawmaker in a state that taxes people for food.
Okay... So here we go...
This assignment was turned in on April 30, 2020,
Then graded, recently, (the week of finals). 📄🗂️
Listed next, are the references.

Center Constitutional Rights, (2007)
Organizational Website:
Common Dreams Article “After EPA Ignored Environmental Racism for Decades Communities Fight Back” (2015) Sara Lazare, Staff Writer, Organizational Website:
Environmental Racism: Food Empowerment Project (2017)
ENVIRONMENTAL RACISM, Organizational Website:
Fed Up, (2014) Stephanie Soechtig and Journalist Katie: Documentary
National Center for Biotechnology, (1994) TOBACCO TAXATION IN THE UNITED STATES, Government Website:
PMC, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Microbiol Aust.
(2020), Government Website:
Public Policy, Politics, Analysis and Alternatives Book by Michael Kraft and
Scott R Furlong, 2018
The Effects of Plant-based Diets on the Body and the Brain: a Systematic Review
Arthurs: Evelyn Medawar 1,2,3, Sebastian Huhn 4, Arno Villringer 1,2,3 and A. (2019) Veronica Witte1, Academic Article:
What the Health, Book by Eunice Wong, Kip Anderson, Keegan Kuhn (2017)
World Economic Forum “Over 14 million employees in the U.S. face COVID-19 exposure every week at work” (2020), Organizational Website:

Yeah... I found out why this problem will never be fixed 2 weeks before the assignment was due...
It kind of ruined the whole thought.💔
Literally ruined.
The even sit back and joke about it.
It's not the greatest letter I've ever written. Fine!

But really, it hurts to set back and watch.
Why not rush things along and get it over with?

-I may as well just tell the truth.😓 https://twitter.com/MsLizShowBiz/status/1265186498283999232?s=20
In fact, combining this thread with the one I posted prior, pretty much spells it out. Even our rights to assemble is being thrown away. Governors keep blaming COVID-19. So no I can't blame people for being upset about it. https://twitter.com/MsLizShowBiz/status/1264836562769948672?s=20
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