thread: wise words found on Pinterest, all together
1) confidence
1.1: stop discounting your successes, start affirming them instead
1.2: develop a positive attitude, choose to get your mind off the negatives. This will help with pushing through when things get hard
1.3: nothing is awkward when you just don't give a f*ck. You're on this earth to have a good time, not to be seen as cool
1.4: repeat daily
I will remain focused on my goals. I know success comes with consistency. I know that I will make it. I know I am good enough. Things will get better. Everything I deserve is coming my way.
1.5: forgive yourself for messing up or making mistakes, we're all humans, it simply happens
1.6: respect and love yourself
You can't shine and take bold moves if you're uncertain about yourself. You can't love someone when not loving yourself. I've made these mistakes and am working on them, so should you!
1.7: Don't follow the crowd
Do your own thing. Don't be another grey mouse. Do what you want, dress, act, like you want.
1.8: Goals and standards before anyone, put yourself first, always
2) focussing on success and how to get there
2.1: 6 months of hardcore focus and alignment can put you 5 years ahead in life. Don't underestimate the power of consistency and desire
2.2: once you get a taste of bettering yourself, it becomes addictive in the best sense. This is the most powerful way of living (by. @douxparisian)
Study while others are sleep
Decide while others are delaying
Prepare while others daydream
Begin while others are procrastinating
Work while others are wishing
Save while others are wasting (big one for me)
Listen while others are talking
Smile while others are frowning
2.4: If you want to start something, Do it! Stop questioning yourself
2.5: Don't tell anyone what you're doing. Shut up, start working, show them the results
3) school
3.1: Your uni degree isn't enough. Nothing will tell you apart from others w it. Take internships, online courses, learn languages, volunteer...
Stand out! (by @ethicaldream)
3.2: how to get better at languages
-listen to music 'in that language'
-read books ''
-watch tv shows ''
-keep a diary ''
-look for a friend who speaks it fluent
-follow tutorials "
-research "
-read newspapers "
3.3: when you don't want to study
-you're lucky and privileged that you have access to this knowledge, use it
-make yourself proud
-let the process be your result
-every mistake increases our chance to make progress
-it's not meant to be easy, start working lazy ass!
3.4: Study in the morning. You'll do more and won't postpone things like that
4) self love and becoming a better person
4.1: read more books
-classic literature
-genre you like
-how to become successful
there are books ab everything, read one instead of binge watching a show that's useless.
4.2: be kind
to everyone, even when they're not kind to you
4.3: small things to stay alive for
-traveling to new towns
-seeing art
-your favourite song
-spending times w loved ones
-hugging w animals
-bake things or do things you love in general
-the seasons changing
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