95% of victims dying with covid-19 have serious pre-existing conditions. The average age of those dying of covid-19 in the UK is 80+yrs, and fully a third are residents of care homes. But we've destroyed our economy to save people who, to be frank, are going to die soon anyway.
With no serious pre-existing conditions, the young-ish and healthy are far more likely to be hit by lightning (49 occurrences per annum in UK) than to die of covid-19. Of the healthy under 60s just 253 people have died of covid-19 in English hospitals.
'It is increasingly awkward to hear the Prime Minister quoting [the Imperial College] forecast that, were it not for lockdown, the UK could have been looking at half a million deaths when, at the tail-end of the epidemic, there are only 320,000 deaths worldwide.'
' Neither Sweden nor Japan have locked down so, if the lockdown hypothesis were true, Stockholm would by now be a morgue and Greater Tokyo (population 38 million) a necropolis.'
'There have been over 13,000 non-covid excess deaths since the start of lockdown'. #endthelockdownnow #endthelockdownuk
'The damage to the economy is calculable, but dizzying: an extra £300 to 500 billion deficit (let me help you: 10 to 15 Brexit bills, with lockdown now costing a Brexit bill per week) will mean higher taxes, higher borrowing and therefore... less investment.'
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