During my MBA days, one of the businessmen I followed for inspiration was Ramakrishna Karuturi. Not sure how many of you know about him.
At one point he was one of the largest producer of rose in the world. One of the reasons I was inspired by him was that he didn't have any fancy education degree like me and could build a huge business empire with effort and right decisions.
He started cut rose business in Bangalore, but when regulations and growing costs made the business nonviable here, he moved to Ethiopia.
Ehiopia, being one of the poorest countries in the world, was looking for investors. Partnering with the government, Ramakrishna built huge empire of rose and other farm produce business.
What sparked this thread is one interesting fact. Whenever I have googled him, I have got a new news about him. Last I googled, I got to know that his partnership with ethiopia govt broke and they took back land parcel as he could not develop large part of the land.
Life is a long journey, with moments of happiness, sadness, growth, decline, reemergence. In small parts it may look happy or sad, but in totality it has it all.
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