We have egotistical idiots running the country who don't give a rats ass about ppls lives.
The icing on the top is all the power and human rights abuses and complete disregard for the law.
Will they be tried for their violations? The cynical part of me who knows that justice+
System is there to control the poor while those in power go scot free laughs.
The people raising up and revolting against a tyrannical ruler and for their rights? No chance.
This is not the cynic in me, no its just reality.
I some times wonder why I was fortunate enough to get+
An education?Would my life be simple if I was among the ignorant not knowing about the world and the injustice instead of knowing about them and not having power the to change it?
Or is it that I'm just a coward and wont put my life on the line for change?
Is taking care of my+
Loved ones and filial duty just an excuse? I sit and wonder. And sometime cry. I weep.
I wake up the next day and go to work waiting for my pay check at the end of the month thinking of the next meal on my table.
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