I've driven my Corvette 3 times since Thanksgiving since I was sick so long and had surgeries too. My mom thinks we had an early covid before they knew, since they said we should have the flu but came up negative and they said I had RSV. I dont know. It knocked 50 lbs off me.
I have never been more sick. Anyway. I've been tested. I dont have it. I think though, since I am so mad about being disrespected, not by her, maybe I will go for q drove today. I was cleared a week and a half ago to resume driving.
Question, 2 of 3 people in a house of all 3 high risk list people, are not comfortable going to a little league tourney full of teams from TX, OH... all on the major outbreak lists lately, and that 3rd person goes to said tourney, wears no mask, and sits in filled bleachers...
Am I wrong to be pissed and feel massively disrespected? This thread totally twisted away from my driving Tuesday. Clearly you see what is on my mind. When I die, blame someone specific.
Not my mom.
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