hey everyone! i don't mean to cause drama, but since the person involved addressed us by name (the hunger games group chat) i feel as if i should come out with a statement. I'm one of the members, i won't leak who i am to avoid the bad rep there, but i want everyone to know (c
what actually happened, instead of their explanation. this was all a joke, and the gc actually feels bad for hurting their feelings. it's taken a sleep, but i feel like there is some manipulative behavior out there, and i want to get it out. i want the accuser to learn (c
from this experience, and that it's not okay to spin the truth so that *you're* not to blame. i don't mean to add pressure or make ari feel bad, do NOT attack them! please! i want her behavior to be acknowledged, but don't put her down. this is how i feel about the situation (c
but you can make your own conclusions with the images I'll send. claiming we ACTUALLY hate hets based off jokes isn't okay. making a whole passive-aggressive thread isn't either. this is only a response. make your own decisions; here are the screenshots. DO NOT cause (c
unnecessary drama and "cancel" ari. she's a human being. i want her to learn from this and see this behavior isn't okay; she's only 13 and she should have this opportunity to grow out of it before it's too late. in these screenshots, ari was being extremely rude over (c
one joke. many people didn't even get it. she then left in a rage quit, without us getting the chance to explain or apologize; then make a public thread. these are her first to last messages in the group chat, i have not left anything out
end of screenshots, next few replies are my opinion on the public thread and the messages.
i'm going to be focusing on a few for this (these 4 conversations/messages) these are my Opinions, take them as you will but they are not fact! do not cancel ari, please. let both our sides be here and let it be dropped. i believe this behavior is really disrespectful (c
and for her to turn it around into "we were hating on her for being animesexual/bi/het" is wrong. we meant this as a joke, and she still hasn't acknowledged we had no rude intentions. this is only out of defense; i believe this is manipulative and i don't want her cancelled (c
i want it acknowledged and fixed for the better. this behavior isn't okay; especially over a joke in the community that's been a thing. her replies defending herself also don't shine a good light on her. pretending to be bi to seem "cool" isn't okay. it invalidates (c
the experiences of others, people who won't be accepted if they came out that way. it's not cool to not be straight. to leave the conversation like this is also immature, but i know that ari is only 13. which is why i want everyone who bothered to read my opinion: (c
be nice in your constructive criticism. this is not meant to tear her down, and even though her behavior was bad, i want it acknowledged and apologized for; before being dropped entirely. this is a learning experience, not a "cancel her!" or "bully her off twitter!" (c
please don't do that, please be mature and respectful when this is brought to her attention. spop city doesn't need more drama, but i really wanted to get this out before ari changes everyone's mind. we didn't want to offend her and come out with this as an exposed thread (c
because it shouldn't. all i want from this is her apology and her behavior changed for the better. ari can be such a great person if she acknowledges this is wrong. this is all my opinion, and i know i can't stop some people from hating on her. all i can ask is that you don't.
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