Cant believe today's topic is privileged people fighting over whose room/house is more minimalist. Rich people really trying to brag about having less items than other rich people.
The concept and idea of minimalism is lovely, to love what you do have and let go of the rest, to only have what you really need and making physical space in your life to breathe. That's beautiful. It's zen.
Minimalism as a home deco theme is now just "yes everything in this room is complete smooth and grey, but it costs 1 trillion dollars" or "I would like this room to be as empty and hollow as my personality" or "idk color schemes here's black and white"
I'm just thinking about how people who come from less privileged backgrounds or come into new money tend to be maximalists bc they came from a life where nothing was accessible to suddenly having everything. At the end of the day it's all material shit.
I come from a home that champions flea markets, handmade/one-of-a-kind, vintage and antique stores (I probably have haunted ass furniture) so I'm biased towards items that have a heart and soul more than their looks or monetary value. Idk what that aesthetic is called.
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