exposing @/insomniacSXUL a thread.
disclaimer: this is not a joke. I know that I am a very playful person but I’m just letting you know this all happened which is why insom is the only bayo account I will never follow. this also isn’t meant to make everyone go to his page and give him any hate-
I just want to let y’all know who he is and why I don’t support him.

this whole conflict started organically with good intentions. more than a year ago, I was a huge fan of his account. this was before my old account, so I don’t have access to screenshots of the convo-
but basically I was a huge fan of his and liked all of his posts and praised him for being such a good player. I was following and supporting him for at least a month before I noticed that he started posting extremely worrying stuff off Twitter-
now obviously you can post whatever the hell you want on here the issue arises later on. -
insomniac started posting seriously bad suicidal stuff on his main. this all hits EXTREMELY close to home to me because I’ve experienced suicidal thoughts myself and have gone through my fair share of depression as my friends know, and I know it’s a common thing-
Also, last year one of my closest friends tried to take their life by overdosing and this was right before he started posting these edgy things on this main. I reached out immediately.-
I let him know that I was there for him and reassured him I was being genuine in the nicest way possible. But after I messaged him I instantly regretted it. He acted extremely awkward which isn’t unexpected because I could see why he would be uncomfortable-
we hadn’t talked outside of your everyday twitter interactions, but I never dm’d him before that point from my knowledge. the issue is that he reassured me he would never do anything of the sort to himself. I again told him I was there for him and the next day he posted-
another extremely edgy tweet. I reached out to him again and was reassured the same thing as before.

insomniac is posting that all for attention. if he really needed help, he would have talked to me, or not posted those horrible things again, but he didn’t. -
instead, he unfollowed me and made it seem like I was in the wrong for messaging him about something that he clearly desired attention for. why else would he do this? He has over 2000 followers. did he really expect no one to be worried about him? I’m sure the attention he got-
was worth worrying people that actually cared about him. but apparently, the pawns he manipulates to care about him are nothing more than pawns, because the second you are there to try and help him, he calls you annoying and shuts you out, it was all for attention-
recently, I got into a bit of “twitter beef” with someone, and was messaged by him saying that I was still “just as annoying as before.” apparently, looking out for and caring for someone is “annoying”.
please don’t make the same mistake I did and encourage his behavior. The more you engage with him the more manipulative he will become, and I would hate for anyone to go into his life with good intentions and be completely disappointed.-
I apologize for making this negative thread but this needed to be said. Attention is something that needs to be gained organically, not forced. Also, if anyone can learn anything from this it’s to please respect people who actually have issues regarding depression etc.-
thank you all for reading and I hope you have a great rest of your day. goodbye ❤️❤️❤️
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