Thread. 1.
On #schoolsreopening more widely next week. The governments insistence that they must return now because we will have to “live with the virus for at least a year” just doesn’t stack up.
SOME children are being offered the opportunity to return to school next week. They are returning to schools they won’t recognise. In “bubbles” of up to 15. They will sit at individual tables away from their friends & separate to all other bubbles.
Most schools are struggling to accommodate these bubbles in terms of the actual physical space in schools. Maintaining these bubbles will mean that they would not be able to open to year groups not currently included in the initial wider opening.
Johnson’s initial announcement about wider opening included a desire to reopen fully to ALL pupils before the end of this term (mid Julyish for most schools). There simply isn’t enough space in our schools or enough staff to make that feasible
5. As it stands education staff are the only employees expected to return to work without additional protections against Covid. No physical distancing, no PPE, just “opening windows” & smaller class sizes for this initial wider opening.
6. I see that while parents have been reassured that there will be no fines for anyone who understandably chooses not to return their child to school *this term*, no mention of this past the current academic year.
7. I don’t see a plan for managing the risk of Covid infection in schools in the long term. I see a social experiment with potentially fatal consequences. I see lip service to mitigating risks for the initial wider opening.
8. I see any attempt at that being abandoned quickly including the smaller class sizes or bubbles in order to get every child back into school, whatever the risk to their health or the health and welfare of staff
9. Cynically (realistically, I worry that even the smallest concessions to addressing the risk will be abandoned very quickly. Education staff and parents must be alert to this & resist it in every way.
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