I had a white woman mid level associate at a law firm straight up lie to me about a filing deadline, tell me I could go home, only to tattle to the partner on the case that I had left early the night before a filing.

I quit that law firm and it has never appeared on my resume. https://twitter.com/tressiemcphd/status/1265121927368257536
Partner called me at home like “why aren’t you here?”

I was fucking baffled. “Deborah said she got a next Dino on the filing deadline and that I could go.”

She lied and said she never told me that.
What kind of junior associate at a law firm would just up and go home the night before a filing?

No kind, that’s what kind. You’d have to be out of your goddamn mind.

I don’t know what a next Dino is.

I meant extension.

Damn autocorrect.
She was a miserable troll of a woman.
Same law firm told me to remove my stud nose ring because it was unprofessional—unless it was “some sort of cultural thing.”

Which fine. No nose ring at work makes sense.

But what about the white woman who was the same year as me running around with hot pink hair?
So fucking glad I left private practice. It was just constant microagressions and authoritative behavior from people who were far less intelligent than I was. Taking orders from shitty lawyers is not my cup of tea.
But I love my job now, so hallelujah. I got out. 🙌🏾

I can’t imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t.

It makes me nauseous just thinking about it
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