Amy Cooper made a choice. Not a mistake. Not an error in judgment. A choice. She chose racism, fully and deliberately chose to attempt to put a Black man in harm's way for the "offense" of asking her to obey leash laws. She was going to try to ruin his life, if not take it.
Later today when you get the fauxpology & people say she didn't deserve to have her life ruined? I want you to look up the words "NYPD brutality" & think real hard about her performance in that video. She's the aggressor & she's reaping the consequences of her actions.
I want everyone who feels bad that she lost her job & the dog she appears to regularly endanger to ask why they think her future comfort is what us important & not a Black man's life. She didn't care about his future, she just didn't want to put the leash back on her dog.
Also, yes she did in fact call the police & is on video filing a false report. She should be charged for that & animal abuse at the minimum. Because she chose to commit those crimes in front of a camera. Just imagine what happens off camera.
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