personally im an advocate for never outgrowing the phase in yr life where you enjoy flashy clothing
even if it’s a “just on the weekends” thing. get that Self-Actualization
i would also like to assert that being old & dressing in a way that stands out is cool as fuck. anybody who makes fun of elderly punks / club sluts / eccentrics is simply either 1) Not About that life and doesn’t get it or 2) jealous
it's never too late to try out a new look, whether that's just an item you don't think fits with the rest of yr wardrobe or a whole coordinated outfit with a specific subculture in mind 🌟
this thread is dedicated to the sweet older punk lady downtown who wears cat ears & billowy layers of black+grey & striped stockings & face glitter. incredibly warm vibes, i would LOVE to see more ppl in her age range experimenting w playful looks like that
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