Whether it's Shaun King or someone else, the lesson is always the same: never trust any liberal pundit who likes to dishonestly attack the Democratic Party. It's a cheap attempt at establishing faux-credibility, and it's always a cover for something sinister. Always.
The Democratic Party has its flaws; they should be remedied. But over the past five years a tidal wave of liberal pundits have grabbed the spotlight by pushing insane conspiracy theories about the "Democratic establishment." Not one of those pundits turned out to be worth a damn.
These con artist pundits have brainwashed a chunk of the left into believing that the Democratic Party is "out to get them" and that they shouldn't vote for either party's nominee in November. Now the rest of us have to clean up their mess. These pundits should not be forgiven.
More importantly, the next round of these con artist pundits should be shut down before they can even get in the door. Dishonestly criticizing your own side is a common tactic that con artists use to establish "credibility" and avoid scrutiny. Learn to spot it when you see it.
I've been trying to warn everyone since 2015 about all these "progressive" pundits and their self serving conspiracy theories about the Democratic Party. Glad people are finally belatedly seeing it. For better or worse, I'm usually proven right about all this stuff in the end.
If that sounds like an arrogant victory lap on my part, so be it. I took shit for YEARS because I dared to poke holes in all the phony bullshit that these "progressive" pundits were making up about the Democratic Party, as if I were somehow the conspiracy theorist in all this.
The irony is that I'm to the left of nearly every "progressive" pundit I've ever encountered. But I don't try to get ahead by making shit up about the Democratic Party or promoting magical solutions, so I'll never count as a "real" progressive. We live in truly fucked up times.
When conservative pundits attack the "Republican establishment" and align themselves with Trump, we see that they're frauds. So why do we pretend it's normal or even laudable when liberal pundits run the same con on our side? Look what it's cost us. We have got to be smarter.
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