I'm going to do the: "reply to this tweet and I’ll give you something to pick four favorites of" meme
I got: my four favorite fight scenes in movies/tv

I'm going to make this a thread, in no particular order.
Flint vs. Singleton in Ep 1 of Black Sails
(I can't find clip so adding gif from: https://tobystephensweekly.tumblr.com/post/175473196311/black-sails-1x01)

As someone into cutlass/sabre I go mad over this scene. It's messy, and except for a few exaggerated motions, it's one of the most accurate swordfighting scenes I've seen
Yu Shu Lien vs. Jiao Long in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

This is classic. The choreography! This scene is a true work of art. I watched this one as a kid and it had a great impact on me. Also... Michelle Yeoh is just amazing, come on.
Westely vs. Inigo Montoya in Princess Bride

Now this is just another classic! The banter! The Looks(TM)! The classic rapier fighting!
King Arthur vs. the Black Knight from Monty Python.


Just love this one for the comedy of it! The meme! Iconic.
Also, honorable mention (since I don't think of it as a fight scene, more of a non-fight scene)

Indiana Jones with a gun vs. the swordsman in Raiders of The Lost Lark

I love this one because as much as I love elaborate sword fight sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do
And thanks to @kiingbooooo for the excellent choice of topic!
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