i’m only gonna say this once. i wanna go outside too. i’m young and healthy so why shouldn’t i? bc that’s not how this disease works. it doesn’t care if you’re young and healthy. you can be asymptotic and transfer it and now people who aren’t as lucky as you could die
my grandpa died horrifically because of the corona virus. his organs shut down. his lungs and brain started to bleed and he had to be sedated until he passed away.
this isn’t a normal time. this is a moment where we have to sacrifice a part of our sanity to ensure our lives and ensure the lives of others. 100,000 people have died in the US, many alone, hooked up to machines breathing and pumping their hearts for them,
while their families and friends couldn’t even see them. i did not get to say goodbye to my grandpa. my dad did not get to see his dad one last time. please stop being selfish and realize this isn’t a normal time. stop being a part of the problem.
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