Once you acknowledge someone who has any type of envy or ill intentions towards you, they’ve won. All they need is for you to acknowledge them ONE time to feel like they have the upper hand. And when you choose to actually go back and forth with them?? Lmaoo they live for it
And it’s not always easy to ignore these types. Depending on how deeply disturbed they are, they’ll just get more loud and more disrespectful until they get that attention from you that they desperately crave. Say the most wild, outlandish shit to feel seen
Then you’re irritated af with yourself for taking the bait while they’re feeling good about themselves because they now feel like they’ve gotten some type of power or upper hand over somebody they feel they’re beneath. Humans are a trip.
Online trolls are a perfect example of this. It’s sick when you think about it. It falls under the category of reactive abuse. Purposely pushing buttons and stirring up drama because getting an emotional reaction helps them feel less invisible
It helps alleviate that feeling of shame and powerlessness that lives inside them. Quite sad when you really think about it. But it’s hard to feel sorry for these folks because they’re willing to cause people emotional distress just to make themselves feel better
Omg and the craziest shit they pull is pushing a button, getting a response, and then acting like you’re the one who started it. It’s like they’re trying to re-write the story and put themselves in your position. It’s so creepy😭
I imagine it must do wonders to soothe whatever darkness is going on inside them though. Imagine you’re so jealous and spiteful towards someone and you manage to create a scenario to convince yourself that they’re actually the one jealous and spiteful towards you. It’s a mindfuck
I see trolls do this alllll the time. They’ll say some terrible shit to an influencer, the influencer will respond back, and the troll is like “Calm down, it’s not that serious. Why are you even worried about my opinion?🙄
More than likely the troll is deeply bothered by the influencer’s success, looks, money or whatever. But now they’ve flipped it and created the scenario where the influencer is the one bothered by them.
Point being: you have to train yourself to completely ignore these types. Yes it’s necessary to defend yourself sometimes. But if you know for a fact this is a person who just wants a reaction, the worst thing you can go is give them an ounce of acknowledgement
And if you don’t train yourself to ignore these types and decide to argue with them, don’t be surprised if you end up drained and frustrated while they’re on cloud nine because they’ve gotten exactly what they wanted: your energy and attention
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