Even if this is the simplest truth of it: being over ambitious and ignoring advisors; it’s a pattern he keeps repeating, which means he needs to STOP BEING TRUSTED TO LAUNCH SH*t.
I’ma drop this off here. This is *serial* at this point.
https://twitter.com/naima/status/1160606062246014978?s=21 https://twitter.com/naima/status/1160606062246014978
Again, at BEST, he’s a visionary but poor planner and executor who doesn’t listen to others. At WORST he’s a fraud who raises money through crowdfunding instead of grants or partners bc there’s less scrutiny & it doesn’t require plans & budgets. Either way, stop giving him money
People defend him with “he’s not a secret millionaire.” Nobody’s saying he is. Blatant and repeated failings at other people’s expense - while continuously asking for MORE - is, itself, enough. That’s enough.
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