The Tinder Thread: The Weirdest but Best weekend ever {not really but it could've been way worse}
Disclaimer: No names will be used in the making of this thread so therefore if you know my circle, you can put 2+2 together and get 7.
First off, I have never really been the biggest fan of Tinder because 95% of the people on the app are looking for the opposite of what I am. However, I did make a Tinder (as a complete joke) on my graduation night last year.
And someway somehow a lot of girls have swiped right (accidents do happen, look at me 😂 jk im awesome)
Anyways, to the important part of this thread: The homies and I were going down to Valdosta for the weekend to party it up for my boys 19th. (i'm socially awkward so parties aren't my thing) One of the two homies was swiping right on tinder and
he swiped right on this girl from Tifton that was coincidentally going to Valdosta Friday night too. They start chatting it up Thursday night and we go to the party Friday night. I was sitting in my corner and not having fun so i told my boy i was about to drive back to BTown.
Anyways, my boy and I started playing beer pong and we went 6-0 like Jordan & Pippin. (neither one of us was drinking😅) Then we got bored and decided to go get taco bell (nastiest thing ever but it was the only thing open at 12am)
On the way back from Taco Bell, my homie gets on facetime with Tinder girl. They was joking around and he had asked her where she was staying earlier that day and i remembered the apartments name. So, I was like I don't have time to waste for y'all to be playing around.
So, i looked up the location and the apartments were only a mile away from we we're staying. I drove over there and my boy was like we here and she was like you're playing and we was like nah. She came out to open the gate for us (rich people tings) and we talked outside for like
30 minutes. She was staying with her best friend and so her best friend Batgirl (she told us we could call her that) walks out drunk and tells us we can come inside. We go inside and my other homie (he is at the party and wasted at this point) keeps calling me begging me to go
get him cookout and I finally give in at 2 in the morning and tell the homie with the tinder girl that i was leaving to go get him food. The drunk bestfriend then says she wants to come with me (i beg my boy to save me because i dont like people i dont know) but then batgirl
tells me i can drive her GT and i suddenly became very social cause i like driving fast cars (it goes so fast). She said she only had 3 rules for me to drive it.
1. Dont get a ticket
2. Dont crash
3. If someone attempts to race you, you better blow them
Anyways my drunk homie ends up coming back with us because everybody at the party is sleep and his food is on the dash.I was like watch this bro and put the car in track mode and took off 0-60 and the car threw us back and his cook out into his lap😂😂😂
So we get back to the apartment and hang with the tinder girl for like 2 hours and she was really cool and i approve of her. We leave at like 5 and go back to the other apartment and nap.
The next day we wake up and decided we was going back to BTown. My boy ask me to stop in tifton on the way home where he could see the girl and of course i said duh my boyy. We hung with her for a few hours and she probably thinks we are the weirdest group of friends now.
Moral of the story: Not everyone on tinder is on there for sex but a real relationship. PSA my homie is getting married next week and im inviting everyone. IM JK but i hope they do cause my boy need to be treated like a king.
You can follow @noahfrmdaArk.
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