We have another listicle for our newsletter! 🤓 Do you ever feel hopeless about the environment? @N8MAY broods over the recent wave of doomer energies and counters with his own observations to offer 7 reasons that we could be dreamers instead ♻️

Climate reporter Kendra Pierre-Louis has a great thread here dunking on a related phenomenon: Climate Sad Bois. Their common denominator—a fundamental disinterest in organizing and realizing meaningful changes. 🤡 https://twitter.com/KendraWrites/status/1264325772715704328?s=20
It stresses me out that we can try so hard to produce responsible #SciComm & then ppl like M*chael M**re will just reverse all that work with a youtube video that initiates who knows how many more doomers and sad bois.
Guess we just gotta make more pods! https://wnwn.ghostisland.media/episodes/22-stephan-lewandowsky-science-denial
If you don't really care for N8's nerd rage here are at least some memes you may peruse at your leisure:
You can follow @wastenotpod.
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