Eject people who hold economic class solidarity above safety for marginalized people from the left, plz. https://twitter.com/DatTransChick/status/1265112276807364611
Leftist solidarity is impossible as long as something like transmisogyny is simply treated as a dissenting opinion. this kind of commentary is how we end up with people like xand/erhal and vau/sh thinking they understand the left while being bigoted edgelords.
Also yes please fire people for expressing bigoted views. Anyone who says the best alternative is to ~educate them~ has never tried it. These people will only change if they want to change, and to a large extent they do not want to.
Also, there are people I used to love who are transphobic. I cut them out of my life because I don't need their toxicity and insults.
Members of marginalized communities are more likely, sometimes far more likely, to be unemployed and/or live t the poverty level. Why do these partisan hacks never say "these bigoted people should reach out to and welcome marginalized workers."
Why does solidarity always have to be emotional blackmail directed at marginalized people? Why do these people constantly place the onus on us to ~educate~ but never on the bigots to ~learn~? Why is a bigot's removal anti-working class but bigotry itself is not?
We have one guy telling Black people that they have to allow white people to use that one anti-Black slur for left solidarity, but this guy also doesn't tell racists that they need to stop being racist. This guy's been monetizing Black people's responses to him for a month+ now.
Y'all are making it perfectly clear that you view the real working class as allocishet, white, abled men, and everyone else needs to get in line. Fuck you for trying to sell us all out.
God this is cursed.

The vast majority of people I saw objecting to Joe Rogan, whether trans or cis, and of *any* gender, could not in any universe be described as "rich." This is just straight transmisogyny and dunking on trans women because ~Joe Rogan almost saved the left.~
It's cool how when people who don't even know how to win elections constantly blame trans women for electoral failures.
Should have listened to Gutian instead of doubling down.
Pissy terf says what?

cw:ableism in screencaps
Every one of you fuckers who defended this garbage can played yourself.

She's saying that trans people reacting negatively to her bad tweets are "henchmen on behalf of ruling class ideology."
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