Things I've seen so far on this walk:
Banana peel
3 cars
1 person (ew)
Cat (aww)
More trees
Why? Another banana peel what's wrong with people.
I'm out of breath already...damn sadness..
I think I saw a scary animal 😬 am I gonna ***
After closer look it looked like a small cat...😅..I saw another human (eww)
Why people scream out there cars to scare hate human me hungry
Walked by a house heard screaming...yikes...ran a little cause I got scared..
Still scared.. I think I peed a little but I'm still walking quite running not for me
Why so many humans outside...disgusting...I saw a stop sign on the ground wanted to take it but didn't.
Still thinking about that stop sign..I hope it's not lonely..also more cats less humans..
Does the moon every think about's probably sad now
Still thinking about that stop sign..
Just passed midnight here...which means I havent been home since yesterday...😂😬 me funny
Apologies for previous tweet...yikes. I wish I had pet panda probably would name them Randy.
It's pretty peaceful out..sadly I saw other humans on this walk..eww. I should have bought my oreos with me...😤
Yes I'm obsessed with oreos leave me alone or I'll hug you and that's a threat...
🥺🥺 2 cats that will become mine some day...
Dancing in street with the risk of getting hit by a car....interesting..
If I'm seen it will be nothing but shame for years...
I apologize if I'm annoying anyone right sorry very sorry hugs to make up for it 🥺 maybe I gift you a stop sign...
🥺 anyone want the stop sign...if anyone is reading this thread...why?? Also hi love you ❤
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