Shaun King got away with 30M+ and y’all mad cuz I asked for $250 in an emergency after a miscarriage...3 years ago?
I wish y’all threw $30M+ in his face every time he tweeted like y’all throw $250 in mine. Wish ya made YouTube videos and created hashtags and did radio shows about it like you did to me
Make that $34.5M y’all let that white man get away with gritting
Grifting. You know what I mean

I’m livid. As someone who trusted him and worked with him I hate ever having my name associated with him. If you know me you know I’m an open book when it comes to $ matters #onhere. Working with him made me even more so
I literally worked directly with Tamir Rice’s mother to help them get new furniture for their new home, school supplies, etc and had to show video of the stuff being delivered because you people said I was scamming. My reputation was tarnished bc of him and I’ll never forgive him
Do you know that scoundrel went to my ex husband at an event a few years after and said “Tell Feminista I said hello”? When he told me that shit I wanted to find that nigga myself

What a fucking mongrel
This kinda shit makes you wary. I’ve had former friends/“allies” lie to get me to use my platform to help them. I rarely boost any gofundmes. I don’t even sign fucking petitions anymore. Been burned by grifters when I’ve actually spent most of my life trying to help people.
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