Purge the 4chan from your system. Leave those memes alone, forget the phrases, discard the quote arrows. You will be better for it, and people will be more comfortable around you.
If you are afraid of losing your personality in this purge, ask yourself if you want a personality built from 4chan. Do you want to be unable to accept sincerity? Do you want to be vulnerable to peer pressure and herd attacks?
The channers keep quote tweeting and replying with attempts at gotchas and y'all, they're bad at it.
It's abundantly clear how much of 4chan is a self-sustaining vortex of doubt and peer pressure, embraced by young people who've never been given an explanation of the world.
*none* of us are given a good explanation of the world, and we're left to our own devices to figure it out. I was just barely lucky enough to get steered through reddit and into just-left-enough twitter, grazing the ledge.
We might have found a new low though, I am pretty sure these people *namesearch 4chan* to leap to its defense. Imagine investing so much of your personality in a vapid hateful site.
It is *very* funny to me how many of these people are like "this dude is probably a redditor" as if reddit is somehow on the other end of the spectrum and not its own trashfire.
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