We can multitask.

We can be outraged at this woman recklessly endangering a man's life with a false police report & ALSO demand comprehensive legislation addressing disproportionate police brutality against black & brown people.

#BlackLivesMatter 1/ https://twitter.com/melodyMcooper/status/1264965252866641920
We all know she endangered a man's life by falsely claiming he was threatening her in a 911 call. We know that an unarmed black man is ≈ 3.4x more likely to be shot by police than an unarmed white person.

But we don't have to live like this. 2/
At the federal level, they don't even track police-involved shootings in a systematic way to be able to determine what hiring or training practices could reduce discriminatory violence.

That must change. 3/
We need to tell the politicians asking for our votes at every level in the #2020Elections that if they want our vote, they must commit to addressing discrimination and violence against communities of color by law enforcement.

Our communities are not safe if ALL of us are not safe. We should not accept a world in which law enforcement officers are a deadly threat to some of us. We need to demand change from politicians at every level of government.

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