Geralt lurking around at the bar of some tavern, waiting for the end of Jaskier’s performance so they can discuss their travel plans. It’s getting late but the tavern is packed with people who came to hear the famous bard play. Everything is going fine until it isn’t.
Geralt’s hearing is sensitive enough to pick out the quiet conversation across the room even over the sounds of the music and general chatter.

“Bard ain’t even that good. Lousy, in fact. Bet folk only let him play cause they’re afraid he’ll sic the butcher on ‘em.”
His own honor and reputation mean very little to Geralt, but it irritates him to hear people use his own demons against Jaskier. People are entitled to their opinions, shit as they are, he supposes.

“We should teach him a lesson. Show him we’re not afraid of his attack dog.”
Geralt sets down his lukewarm ale with a sigh and sets a small bag of coin on the counter. The barkeep looks confused at the generous sum.

“For the ale. And the damages.” Geralt says, before he strides across the room and proceeds to break two chairs, a table, and several noses.
This thread brought to you by the random tropes button from tv tropes, which spat out “Paying for the action scene”. Geralt is a responsible brawler and pays for what he breaks 😌
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