. @tomaspueyo Wow, hey! Thanks for liking my tweet!

Seriously, I can’t believe people don’t see churches & other places of worship as the perfect storm for #COVID19 transmission! It truly boggles my mind. Also, the sentiment of many, simply deeming this virus gone, is...
...completely beyond my comprehension. I guess ignorance is bliss? But THIS ignorance will literally kill people. I don’t have to tell you. I read many of your writings, projections and graphs. I’m a science guy. I really respect what you’ve put out there. Keep up the good work!
I can’t stress enough how much it makes me cringe when I see huge groups of people in the #USA, using absolutely zero #SocialDistancing. Also, using no masks whatsoever. If most of the US doesn’t have a fairly major uptick it cases within the next 7-14 days, I will be shocked.
Sorry, @tomaspueyo. Lol. I swear this is the last tweet in this thread. Look, I’m all for being healthy, getting out of the house; exercising outdoors, taking in some vitamin D... but in a thought-out, carefully executed way. Away from people & with a mask. It’s so simple. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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