Personal Thread:

My toddler took her first steps this weekend on the day she turned 17-months old. It was also the day I decided to stop pumping. I was barely holding on anyway.

For 517 days, I either nursed or pumped. It was hard as hell.
I lugged this thing around the world. It’s been on Air Force One, inside Japan’s Akasake Palace, and the Hyderabad House in New Delhi. I learned how to use dry ice to ship milk home. I pumped while covering the Mueller Report, impeachment, and a pandemic.
So many young women—especially broadcast journalists just starting their careers—ask about life/work balance. The short answer is: Yes, it’s possible.

But I realize it’s a lot harder for others. I’m really grateful to work for a company that offers parental leave and support.
We have a long way to go for all mothers to have the same. And I couldn’t have done it without my incredible husband, family, childcare providers, colleagues, and other mamas who cheered me on.
Thank you ❤️
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