Tbh I don’t understand what other Africans want. If Cape Verdeans don’t claim to be African, y’all are upset. If CV’s do claim to be African, y’all are STILL upset and say that other African nations don’t claim us. So what are we actually suppose to do? Erase our history?
Do y’all actually understand how aggravating it is for people to constantly question who you are? For people to constantly be putting in their two cents about your culture, your history, your lineage etc? It’s literally damned if we do and damned if we don’t.
And this whole Twitter beef is because shorty didn’t see Cape Verdeans tweeting about Africa Day. 1) that’s not indicative of them not being/claiming African and 2) she doesn’t follow every single Cape Verdean in the world lmfaooo. That tweet was loud, wrong, and so unnecessary
A small amount of CV’s claim European over African. But don’t y’all think that we are at the age that we can try to educate ourselves on things outside of other people’s statements? So because a CV wants to claim whiteness and be ignorant, you want to be ignorant with them too???
Education is a blessing. Being knowledgeable of things outside of people’s individual perspectives and actually digging into a cultures history will teach you so much more than what a 5 minute conversation with an ignorant person will
Ppl will literally SCREAM that CV’s aren’t black and CV’s aren’t African & don’t know a SINGLE thing about our history. Not a smidge. The only thing that they know is what Nilton or Zuleica from Brockton told them. I always say this. Don’t speak on a culture you know nothing of
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