So my suspected case of Covid-19 which initially presented to the hospital with DKA has been confirmed as covid patient.
We’ve tried referring him to legon and ridge and we’ve been rejected on all accounts...
...because we hadn’t confirmed yet. The man’s respiratory function had been deteriorating at an alarming rate for the last 3 days and I’ve had to keep him alive with nothing but a non-rebreather. Apparently there are no ventilators in western region...
We finally got confirmation on his status and still Accra refused to take the patient . Patient is currently on his way to Accra in an ambulance, they like or don’t like they must take . He is in critical condition
I have never seen someone’s respiratory function deteriorate that dramatically before in my life, and my advice is if you have nothing to do in town STAY AT HOME. This is not because you will over work the doctors or overwhelm the system but for your own good....
..because when you start struggling to breathe it will feel like you’re drowning and no amount of oxygen will be enough for you. Stay home, stay safe.
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