END Don't think POTUS has done anything with it since 2013 NDAA amend. Remember snips of orgs independent from the govt that controls the dissemination of information, U.S Agency for Global Media (USAGM) formerly the BBG and what is the GEC? Who are the players?
Later thread
Just a note, maybe there is more of a purpose for the MSM labeling of a movement. Having behavior labeled (extremist or dangerous) may link it to jurisdiction of such labeled organizations. Is the USAGM still relevant?
10. This is an interesting link, not breaking it down, have not read it all (keywords will have to be enough)! You'll see why if you take a peak, here's that link! https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-115publ232/html/PLAW-115publ232.htm
Interesting name on the top huh? Again, haven't read it all, HUGE!
9. Just because, HR 2810, July 18,2017. Propaganda pops up on page 666. Kinda Weird. DJT sent a memo out shortly after this H.R. came out snips provided. NDAA happened in Nov 9th 2017, for the Fiscal Year of 2018
Link; https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr2810/BILLS-115hr2810pcs.pdf
Link; https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/10/31/2018-23973/delegation-of-authority-under-section-3132d-of-the-national-defense-authorization-act-for-fiscal
8. This is a nice bit on the history, purpose, stance and reach of the GEC affiliated programs. Likewise concerns of such related programs. I recommend a read from the link vs the snips.
7. NDAA of 2017 think it was signed off by BO in Dec. of 2016 right before he left office (20th Jan 2017). The NDAA include the Snips. This entity becomes official now right? The Global Engagement Center.
6. The wiki pages make a reference to using authority via Section 3132, leave the link here not sure what it means or if relates to asserting control (to media even). Jut thought I'd bring it up.
Another link to the 2017 NDAA; https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20161128/CRPT-114HRPT-S2943.pdf
5. The NDAA before BO departure seemed important.
Looks like a change was made right before POTUS's term. Introduced in 10th May of 2016 as H.R. 5181. Give it a read! Applies to the scope of the GEC's reach and operational capacity.
Link to; https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e1/Countering_Foreign_Propaganda_and_Disinformation_Act_of_2016.pdf
4. The snip is from the act. No page number provided, just use your keyboards "Control F" function parameters for 1078, should be 5 matches in the document. Of course, keep the dates in mind (BO). Link to NDAA 2013; https://www.congress.gov/112/plaws/publ239/PLAW-112publ239.pdf
3. Why is the media allowed to choose it's dissemination of information available to the public? H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 Passed in National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2013. An overview/with highlights, links provided, decide for yourself!
2. We can just start with a general knowledge wiki, we won't just use this but it can make for an excellent springboard. Just and over blatant overview of how this all started. Next slides will integrate on the alteration of the act.
Link; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith–Mundt_Act
The purpose of this thread is to speculate and spread perspective on domestic information, as regurgitated to the public. Primarily the Smith-Mundt Moderation Act. Also a primary focus is the NDAA for Fiscal 2017 (and more!).
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