1. After reading a few articles that came out on the below picture I feel the need to clarify a few things: While some feral cats can weigh >7kg and sand goannas can weigh >6kg, I didn't take any measurements of the cat/gonna in the picture, so can't quote actual numbers.
2. In any case, the main issue that we should be focusing on here is not the size of these animals, but the fact that they are wandering around in wilderness areas (and in urban areas too) killing millions of native animals every year.
3. As this image shows (and as much prior research into feral cat diets also indicates), these targeted native animals aren't limited to birds and mammals, but also include reptile species too.
4. It also demonstrates how effective a predator the cat is. If you've ever caught and handled a sand goanna (even one weighing around the 1-2kg mark) you'll know how strong and quick they are.
5. There is no scientific doubt that feral cats are bad news to a wide range of native species. Like the feral horses in the Snowy Mountains area, we are now faced with an important value judgement - do we want to support ferals in the wild, or do we want to preserve our natives?
6. Of course, if we choose to support our native species over the ferals, it is not enough to rely on culling (e.g. shooting & baiting) or exclusion (i.e. using fences). We need also to ensure that our native species are provided adequate habitat or "refuge" from feral predators.
7. For example, if we are really serious about reducing the impacts of ferals and protecting our natives, we need to also look at reducing the alarming scale of land clearing in Australia.
8. We also need to address climate change impacts. Climate change is linked to longer, more intense fire seasons & fires can support ferals. Burnt habitats provide little refuge for surviving species & cats & foxes are known to seek out such habitats to hunt for vulnerable prey.
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