Ive been literally thinking about new vegas all day and I really want to like write some kind of stupid prequel to it officially bc holy shit there’s so much missing from the history but I wanna play 1+2 so I have all the lore!!
It’s so story rich!!
I keep thinking about the moment Caesar found out that He lost Hoover Dam.
The idea playing in his bald little head over and over. His most trusted guards and Joshua Graham becoming more and more uncomfortable with the silence of the passing seconds. Shuffling in their armor
Finally caesar starts to process the information intellectually and mumbles an order. One which only few hear, Slowly turning for visual confirmation.

He finally speaks loud enough though he sounds confident his voice goes hoarsely in delivery “Cover that man in Pitch!”
Seconds stretch onto minutes as every command no matter how nonsensical, is followed. Having an obvious breakdown (like Kylo in TLJ) Joshua quickly but inactively realizing the gravity of the situation and having his faith rekindled in the same moment.
It literally wouldn’t get out of my head all day I just want to see like a new vegas prequel TV series just because of how goddamn amazing it could be... Damn man. If only.
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