CN: mental health, the absolute weirdness of Quarantine Time
I've been trying to figure out maybe doing a meetup with some friends during the 2020 Nebulas, and it's not going super-great, in that my sense of time...apparently doesn't exist.
First I thought I remembered the Nebs starting on Wednesday.
No. The Nebs start Friday. Wednesday was my travel day back when we thought we'd get to fly and do things this year.
Then I started talking about maybe doing a post-con meetup with friends to decompress. I proposed Monday.
Nope, not everyone is off work on Monday. Monday was another travel day that I kept.
This is driving home three things to me:
1. I really am a person who books extra time around everything, erring on the side of too much extra time over too little. This has always been true but the 3 extra days off here really made it stark.
2. What I really want out of cons, more than half the time, is to see my online writer and reader friends I don't get to see otherwise. The panels are fantastic, networking is awesome! But I miss writing over breakfast and barcon and hugs.
3. For everything I've done to try to help me keep track of the flow of time, my sense of time is still borked, just in different directions, and it takes very little to make it worse.
(Re: Wednesday being a travel day for a con that starts Friday: Sometimes the Nebs have some programming Thursday afternoon, and often the first barcon is that night. Last year I arrived Thursday and felt really rushed coming in, so I wanted some extra time this year. WELP.)
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