The main analogous frame I have a huge issue with here is the mindless acceptance that government intervention in the economy is akin to a doctor treating a sick patient in ICU. This unchallenged frame is pure neoliberal ideology.
This frame implies government policies aimed at stimulating economy should only be used during a crisis, and then government should quickly get out of way of economy to let free market rip. It also implies that Morrison has done what stimulus is needed and his job is over. No!
Also unchallenged is the ideological assumption that putting businesses in charge of vocational training and skills assessment is better for the economy than putting these decisions in the collective hands of the public through government management.
Check out the frame on this sub head: 'Scott Morrison will hand industry greater power in shaping Australia's skills and training system in a major coronavirus recovery shake-up'. Since when is handing employers more power good for anyone except the employers? Ideological bias!
The issue I have with this article is I'm sure journalist who wrote it didn't mean to advantage Morrison in the public contest over ideas by adopting his frame without challenge. But this is what they have done. You cut and paste the PM's speech into an article, and it's biased.
This article is just indicative of what we are constantly served up by mainstream media. A long series of direct quotes from the PM's office, unchallenged, unscrutinised, with no analysis of how many ideological assumptions are contained within. This is what media bias looks like
So, before we even have a chance to see the package, and to see what this employer power is going to do to workers, what negative impacts it will have on our Tafe system, what it will do to social equity and a range of other questions, Morrison is out in front as the winner.
He even gets his own little ideologically laden hash tag - #JobMaker package. There's no proof package will create a single job. The penalty rate cut which Libs promised would create jobs didn't. So why are journalists accepting that Liberals create jobs when there is no proof?
When journalists fail at their job to critically analyse the words of the Prime Minister, they aren't just being lazy, they're actually advantaging the ideas of the powerful and promoting the powerful employer class ahead of everyone else. This is a problem for democracy.
Neoliberalism didn't become the group-think rule-of-thumb, taken-for-granted hegemonic position of the mainstream media overnight. One article at a time like this one which failed to offer any counter ideas, got us where we are today. This stuff matters. Do better media. End.
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