this is it... we did it, kids... we found the dumbest tweet on this fucking website
im trying to compose a follow-up tweet but all i can conjure is "fucking really"
like... pack it up, guys. you're not allowed to be attracted to men anymore, i guess

if it was all f/f op would be complaining abt sexualizing lesbians and if it was all m/f the complaint would be abt rep. if it was even across the board im sure theyd find smth else to bitch abt
dedicating my life to defending ao3 and cherishing absolutely COOL AS FUCK curation of transformative fandom like this. people have no idea how fucking good we have it now and knowing some folks want to ruin that forreal makes me nauseous
okay wait one more tweet:

op does not understand that i am not interested in shipping underdeveloped or uninteresting characters. the vast majority of female characters in popular media fucking suck. im not desperate to ship shit from OUAT or whatever. god.
(if that's your thing, i get it, but like. ships from cw shows? young adult fiction adaptations? superhero live action tv? bores the FUCK out of me)
i would like to add to this thread that for some reason hetalia USUK came up on #100 in 2019 and appears nowhere else on any of the other top 100 lists since 2013.

what happened.

where are you people.
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