Simply being focused and consistent will take you a lot further than you think. If you don’t have weights right now, work on a different physical skill, like running or pushups. It will all come back. Maintain your habits. A little bit about my experience:
I lifted weights for 14 years without making much progress. The thing that finally worked was to stop trying to “mix up” my routines and just do one routine really well: 3 sets of 4-6 reps, as heavy as I could handle, 5 days/week. Never skip bench, deadlift, squat.
I did the same 5-day routine for 4 years. Didn’t get bored because I was constantly trying to do it better. Focusing on things like “muscle confusion” doesn’t help when you aren’t consistent or have bad form.
I finally plateaued with that routine and for a while I thought I’d reached the end of the line. That’s when I started experimenting with higher reps, mixed routines, etc. Feels like I’m just beginning to unlock the next level.
I’m pretty convinced that the actual routine had little to do with my earlier success; building habits and technique had everything to do with it. Still have so much to learn.
What has worked for you?
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