Let me ask you guys something.. Basically what I am wrong for is stating that I am not going to clean just anybody’s toilet and wash just anybody’s Tile and I left a man that loves me because I wanted my freedom. But if you or your daughter
Got married to a boy who showed her all the love in the world but also kept her hostage but also took away her identification card and her phone and restricted her from speaking with her mother what would you say about her? You would say she’s an idiot for putting up with that
You would say that she’s a four and she’s wrong and she should open her eyes but how could your daughter do that how could you do that when you were taught differently you were taught to fight for that marriage because that boy loves you
When you worked hard to go through hell and back for a boy that loves you you tend to overlook a lot of serious problems I had a lot of strength to leave the marriage that I was in because I was taught to fight for that but if I didn’t my life would’ve been over
So I’m trying to show people how the dangers of the way we raise our daughters and how we program our minds to think can end up putting you in danger situations that you might not be able to get out of you should set the bar high and make people climb if they really love you
They will because there’s a very big difference between your beautiful so I love you And I love you and I want what’s right for you A lot of you can say that you have been loved but can you say that any of the man that loved you have not hurt you?
Then try to make you feel dumb and naïve so you can rely on them I know this because this is what I went through I was not able to decide for myself because I was convinced by him that I didn’t know any better and that I was naïve and everyone is against me I should only trust
Him So after going through this and thinking at one point I was the most smartest person in the world I realize that anybody is capable of being used this badly and it’s scary so trust me when I say I know exactly what I’m talking about
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