Wow, Georgia’s playing some sick games with data.

They have a guide to help you “Understand the Data” but that almost makes it worse because they admit their numbers are stacked. 1/5
2/5 First of all, when embedded, it’s basically unreadable on mobile devices in portrait. Here’s a link to the pdf. But why is it a pdf to begin with? It’s just some text - should be as easy to access as possible.
3/5 Anyway they are counting all tests in their denominator, conflating antibody tests with tests for active infections, but only reporting active tests in their numerator. This makes the positive rate lower than it should be.
4/5 And then the most wild thing of all: If you go into ICU or hospital with COVID, the only way they count you is if you are in ICU or hospital when your test result is reported.
5/5 So if you test positive and then get worse, you’re hospitalization isn’t reported as covid. They even say that this means you can’t really trust their hospitalization or ICU numbers.
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