2)...”putting them at risk of severe injuries & death. ...many contain materials that do not recycle & are not biodegradable, including surgical masks made out of plastic polypropylene.”According to the National Ocean & Atmospheric Administration, plastic wreaks havoc...
3)...on Marine ecosystems. As plastic swirls around in the water, much of it breaks down into tiny pieces, called micro plastics.” The Ocean Conservatory discovered that many fish species consume plastic debris, confusing it for real food...
4)...& estimate at least 600 different wildlife species are threatened by the pollution. There is also the human health risk from plastic entering the food chain with nearly a billion people around the world consuming seafood. Cont.
5)”We can’t expect people to change their ways if they don’t know what they’re doing is wrong.”Plastics break down into smaller & smaller pieces until micro-plastic is everywhere. It’s toxic & it’s in what we’re eating & drinking.”-Maria Algarra, founder of“Clean This Beach Up”..
6)...in Miami, Florida.-Independent.co.uk.4/16/20. Cont.
7)Conclusion: Covid 19 has transformed society’s mentality from “Save the Planet” to “Save my Ass”, just like that. No one thinks twice about the environmental effects of disposing tons of plastic gloves & masks. But when you ingest micro plastics in your food & water...
8)...over a long period of time, the probability of affecting your health adversely, is increased. / Done
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