We got hoteps claiming that North Africa is black and then we have these people claiming we used to be white? Can we just catch a break lol https://twitter.com/Malthusian_Trad/status/1264951056146055170
btw we never were "White" (meaning genetic European). Genetic impact of Arab migration is highly overstated. Naturally we do have some admixture with Arabs, however there is still high genetic continuity between modern North Africans and N. Africans of 8 to 13k years ago
Most of our male genetic lineage (Y-DNA haplogroup) is still E (E-M81 subclade), which came out of East Africa 15k years ago. Had we been more thoroughly genetically displaced, we would have majority J Y-DNA (J-P58), as seen in the Arabian peninsula instead of E-M81
Genetically, there still are similarities between North Africans and Southern Europeans, but this stems from the Natufians who came from the Levant and migrated to N. Africa and S. Europe during the Neolithic period, establishing the pre-Indo-European people in Europe.
Another important thing to note is that Berbers are part of the broad Afro-Asiatic family, same as Cushites (Horn Africans), Semites (Arabs, Jews), Egyptians and Chadians, as opposed to the Whites (Europeans) who are part of the Indo-European family
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