Diabetes crisis India: Doctors giving you (well meaning) advice that fats are responsible for diabetes are wrong. Science shows culprits instead are easy sugar( any form including fruit juices, cola), refined carbohydrates( too many refined atta rotis, rice) @MoHFW_INDIA ..
..In fact good fats ( animal fats or those like milk ghee) are healthy. But stay away from refined vegetable seed oils like Sunflower oil, rapseed oil- cook your food in milk Ghee( not vanaspati) or coconut oil instead. Science now says Vegetable seed oils are very bad and...
..eat lots of protien at equal to your body weight in grams( meat, fish- if vegetarian eggs, pulses, lentins, peas, beans). And move often( at least 45 minute walk 4 times week) and in best case do strengt training( lift weights, cut wood in a village, lift heavy stones)- you..
..need to lose weight to get better with diabetes, but when you lose wright you lose both fat ( very good) and muscle( bad). That is why weight loss by reducing easy sugar, refined carbohydrates needs to be combined with strength training to build muscle. Plus your ancestors...
...were right, occasionally fasting is good. Also eat only two meals a day( rest water and some sugarless tea). Avoid eating late in night. Skip either breakfast or lunch. Try to fast once every two weeks( only water, tea without sugar, black cofee during fast, no juiuce pls)...
...Limit fruits to alternate days or less, but do eat lots of variety of fresh vegetables. Try to get good amount of sunlight. Avoid packed food/ingredients ( if it has more than 5 ingredients, do not buy it). Avoid too much outside/takeaway food. If you follow all this..
..advice for around 4 months, you will start seeing results and within 6 months in 75% of cases Diabetes should be almost gone and you need no diabetes pills. As usual for serious illness, speak to a doctor, but remember diabetes in a big profit centre for Pharma/doctors, plus..
...many doctors though well meaning following outdated research. If your diabetes does not dramatically improve by the simple steps I have outlined in six months, tweet me that I am a big fraud. I will record this thread. If it does help, spread it and thank me on twitter. 🙏
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