has anyone done sakyoizu? i can do 1 for every like
1. Most affectionate
Izumi is the most openly affectionate, not only with Sakyo, but everyone in general, but when in private, Sakyo is unafraid of coddling Izumi, often being the one initiating signs of affection.
2. Big Spoon/Lil Spoon
Big Spoon is Sakyo and Lil Spoon is Izumi, mostly due to Sakyo being a bit protective over Izumi. When outside, Sakyo has a habit of wrapping Izumi into his coat and resting his chin on top of her head, much to her complaint.
3. Most Common Argument
Izumi is a cutie but often forgets to let Sakyo know if she plans on heading home late, sending him into a worried frenzy. She'll of course come back all fine and dandy and Sakyo will ko da, rush over, check she's fine, (1/2)
and then lecture her for not using her phone to at least *let him know*. Izumi from years of lectures in Mankai, is just used to it and knows what buttom to push to get him to relax and he really can't stay mad at her for long. (2/2)
4. Most likely to carry the other
Sakyo is most likely to carry Izumi, especially after a long night and her feet are sore from standing and directing all day. She'll kind of, fake protest it, but she's grateful she doesn't need to finish walking back to their room.
5. Favorite Feature
Izumi's favorite feature of Sakyo's is his tear drop moles, his "sexiest" feature. She likes to tease him about them, but when things are getting ~spicy~, she makes sure to place at least one kiss on them.

Sakyo could go on for days about Izumi's features, but if he had to pick a favorite, he would have to say her eyes. They were the one thing that stayed consistent from their childhood, eyes full of wonder and light. Basically his sum baybee.

6. First thing that changes
First things first, Izumi has to coax Sakyo to call her by her first name, not just Tachibana or Director. It takes a while, and sometimes he forgets, but they manage.
7. Nicknames
Sakyo and Izumi aren't the nickname type of couple, but if anyone was going to get a nickname, it would be Sakyo, and Izumi would choose something silly and absurbly childish like Gummy Bear.
8. Worries Most
Sakyo, and I really don't think this needs an explanation. If they ever have kids, he'll be the type of father who has to be calmed down by Izumi at the hospital.
9. Remembers Orders
Sakyo and Izumi probably remember each others orders, but Sakyo has an easier time, considering Izumi is more likely to order something curry related over anything else.
10. Initiates kisses
At the beginning of the relationship, definitely Izumi. That man repressed his feepings for 20 whole ass years?m? Habits die hard, so Izumi has to drag him along.

But, over time, Sakyo definitely gets over to "why'd you choose me" phase and equally return the affection.

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