I can’t have an opinion on women’s reproductive systems and the medicines that affect them.

I just say different drugs and brands affect you differently. For example:
I take ADHD medication. Generic brand doesn’t do it for me. Neither does V*, F*, not R*. But that A* XR works wonders.

Tylenol (Acetaminophen) and Aleve (Naproxen) dont help when it comes to headaches. Advil (ibuprofen)? Nigga that is a miracle worker.
I can’t make the argument for different birth controls cause i’m not taking them.

But different brands and whatnot do have different effects. If one is effective but doesnt sit well, take a different one. But don’t speak bad on things you’re uninformed about.
Editors note:

This thread is against condemnation of a type of drug based on a small population sample.

You don’t wanna take things? don’t.
You don’t wanna try another brand? don’t.
but don’t go out spreading misinformation.
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