we all talk about adora indirectly rejecting catra in s5 every time she chose to sacrifice herself but... what about catra's rejection of adora? (a thread, sort of)
watching this scene kills me bc catra can't bear to see adora sacrifice herself and she's so hurt that that's what adora chooses AGAIN but the pain in adora's eyes when catra rejects her... she's just trying to do something good, what she feels is her responsibility.
adora has convinced herself her entire life that what she could give was much more valuable than her own well-being, so she just doesn't understand how catra could be so angry at her for it, why catra can't see that she HAS to do this.
and the way this was the only time adora's ever expressed her needs to anyone in a way that held so much weight bc it wasn't about the rebellion or a mission. it's hard for her to ask for help, and even harder to ask for what she wants.
so the fact that she begs catra to stay... the fact that she flat out says "I need you", and it's not for the mission, not for any other reason other than how badly she wants catra by her side.. I can only imagine how miserable she must have felt when catra left.
especially when it's all she really wanted in what she thought would be the end of her; just one last moment with catra, one last moment to feel like she was adora and not she-ra, just a girl who didn't have to deal with the crushing weight of responsibility on her shoulders.
so I'm v proud of catra in this scene. as agonizing as it was to accept the fact that adora was sacrificing herself, catra chose to be selfless and fulfill the promise they'd made to each other as kids. she came back for adora, even if that meant neither of them would survive
not just because she cared about adora, but because it's the only thing adora's ever really asked of her.. the only time adora allowed herself to be selfish (before the kiss) and asked someone to indulge her for just a moment.
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