women will tell men to show their feelings and then continue not to give a shit, or at worst, use them against you

that's why we only share with close friends

because they're the ones that truly want to help

and most men don't want to do this feminine crap, put it away https://twitter.com/Jenacologist/status/1261711525779292160
women will wax poetic about wanting to hear men's feelings on twitter but wait until it's something they don't want to hear

you're angry? fuck you

you're lonely? fuck you

you feel like women don't treat you well? fuck you

it's all empty words, there's nothing there
I used to be extremely depressed.

The only people who chose to hear me out were men, and all my female friends distanced themselves and my girlfriend broke up with me.

This isn't always true, but it's a trend I have noticed and many other men have noticed.
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