1/On Memorial Day wear a white poppy, because it commemorates all victims of war, both civilians and military, on all sides of conflict. It also challenges attempts to glorify or celebrate war, as well as nationalist narratives that focus only on military victims on one side.
2/By encouraging us to tackle the causes of war, such as inequality and the arms trade, and to foster nonviolent alternatives, the white poppy helps build a culture of peace.
3/Today over 90% of people killed in war are civilians. White poppies were first worn in the 1930s in the aftermath of the First World War. Their message of peace remains urgent today when the majority of those killed and injured in war are civilians, often women and children.
4/How to get involved: If you want to promote white poppies and what they stand for in your area, workplace, shop, cafe, university, school, or faith group, we would love to hear from you. Visit our website to find out about our campaign, events and remembrance ceremonies.
5/White poppies are distributed by the Peace Pledge Union, the UK’s oldest secular pacifist organization. http://www.ppu.org.uk 
6/Although this thread is late in the day, I still wanted to share this information. End
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